Why subscribe?

There are 3 ways of learning. One - from your own experiences, two - from other people’s experience and third from watching things around you. So I feel it’s important to learn from some great people who have been successful at what they do and their experiences.


I have picked up this idea by James Clear (Author of “The Atomic Habits”) and modified it in my own way. He does a weekly newsletter which has 3 ideas, 2 quotes and 1 question to think about.

Here I will talk about 3 Learnings from a great person.

2 Quotes worth thinking about by the same person

and 1 Story to show you how they thought and acted to different circumstances.

Subscribe to Act of Shlok

thoughts, musings and notes from my mind, internet and life.


Lover of startups and addicted to new ideas and projects // Always learning // Random thoughts here // 21